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Monday, May 30, 2011


If I don't get distracted, I am going to write my blog in a timely manner. Sure there is a ton of laundry to be done. I have gifts to wrap for upcoming events. I am certain there is something good on TV.  Facebook is on the next internet tab (someone probably posted something interesting since the last time I looked 2 minutes ago.) I just noticed that the bookshelf needs dusting. There is a fresh new bag of potato chips in the pantry and some lemonade in the fridge calling my name. But no, I am going to focus and give my blog my full attention.

I would have gotten my blog done earlier today but it was beautiful outside, so it would have been a shame to waste it inside all day. Besides I needed to run and get a few things at Walmart. I was wrapping a project for my daughter's school. Oh, my dog needed to go for a walk. Enough excuses--wait, I mean distractions.

There were plenty of distractions back when I was a student at Regis. There were friends stopping by in the dorms, an impromptu flag football game in the quad or watching Oprah in the afternoon (I guess I won't have that excuse anymore.) Having an afternoon nap after my classes was a popular distraction. We had primitive computer games to play if you were really trying to avoid the task at hand.

Call me crazy, but it seems like the distractions keeping me from focusing on schoolwork has increased three fold this time around. As established in a previous blog, being a college student living on campus, I only real job was to be a student. Being a mother and all the duties that comes along often keep me from getting my schoolwork done. Okay, sometimes I am multitasking, but often I am putting off doing my homework.


Beyond the interruptions that comes with motherhood, modern technology is a major distraction. The pathetic computer games of my college days didn't capture your attention for long. Now there is e-mail to read, internet to search, Facebook to check (which could potentially could lead to playing Facebook games like Farmville etc.) The cell phone is another media distraction with its texting and endless apps.  I guess I am glad I didn't have all this technology to distract me when I was at Regis--I am sure my grades benefited from that.

Another distraction I have to fight off, crazy random this poem I composed for this blog:

I am writing my blog on blogger.
I would rather be playing frogger.
What is the average salary of a logger?
What else rhymes with blogger?

Time to conclude this blog because there is someone at the door.  My daughter is texting me because she needs to get picked-up. The oven timer going to buzz soon. The list goes on...distractions have been and always will be part of our lives. They tell me that with good time management skills and ability to stay focus, one can complete the task at hand. We will see...


Sunday, May 22, 2011

A Full Body Exam: Sinclair Edition

Last week I discussed the demographics of Regis University between the years, 1988-1992. In that blog, I stated Regis' student body resembled the stereotypes represented in the movie, "Breakfast Club."

As promised, this week I am examining Sinclair Community College's student body. It may be because I am more mature now, or maybe because I am not living with all the students in the dorms, but for the most part, I don't see outward groupings like I did at Regis. Another reason for this is because most of my Sinclair experience mainly takes place in Building 13. Today, when I look around Sinclair, I see average college students wearing mostly jeans with t-shirt or sweatshirt depending on the weather.

The diversity that was lacking at Regis is very much present at Sinclair. It appears that a wide variety of ethnic groups are well represented at Sinclair. Where Regis, being a traditional college, most of it student body were between ages of 18 to 22 years old, Sinclair does have those students fresh out of high school, but it also has students that are in their 20s through (maybe beyond) their 60s.

In my opinion, there is a vast difference in a student's attitude towards school depending on the person's age. In my experience, those students who graduated from high school recently are more likely to blow off the assignments or skip class, where the much older students tend to take everything much too seriously.

Being a military wife myself, I am delighted to see so many individuals taking advantage of the GI Bill. I met a student in my 2D design class who had served in Iraq three times and now he has the opportunity to pursue his dreams while being full time student. He is a really good artist and I am sure he will go far. His story inspired me.

The one thing I observed about Sinclair is that my classmates tend to look out for one another. There is definitely a "we are all in this together" attitude. In the visual communication department, we are required to bring our art supplies with us to class, but sometimes someone will forget their double-sided tape, tracing paper or a sharpie.  Most of the time, classmates help the person out. We also help each other out with learning different design programs. Once I had a girl I hardly know give me her typed notes when I was out of class. These kind acts make me proud to be a part of Sinclair student body.

Sure, there are some divisions in Sinclair's student body. Just in the visual communications department, there are the "regular" design students, who seem different from the "fashionable" interior design and "starving" traditional art students.

Like at Regis, I occasionally see athletes on campus. Yes, there are some "geeks" playing Dungeon and Dragons in the common area too. But in general, I think labeling people is counter-productive because it results in a false, preconceived notion of who the person is without discovering who the person really is.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

A Full Body Exam

For a college to be successful, it needs to attract and enroll students. A student body is made up of a group of people who come to the school with lots of different backgrounds. The students are what gives a college it's character.

The Breakfast Club cast from the website: Digital Bus Stop
If asked to describe Regis College's student body between 1988-1992, I would say that most of students were white kids from middle to upper class families. It was not a very diverse group. In many ways,  Regis was like a big high school. And not that people should be branded and placed into a category, but the college's student body seemed to resemble the stereotypical groups portrayed in the movie,"Breakfast Club." Although Regis was not known for its sports, there were "the jocks". There were also the "preppy kids" (I fitted in this category) and the smart "geeks." And of course, there were a few "antisocial weirdos" like Ally Sheedy's character.

Birkenstocks from the website: Ornage Peel.
Being in Colorado in the late 80s/early 90's, there was also a group of students that fit into the category of "potheads" (guys) who usually hung out with "the granola chicks". On a typical day, these individuals would wear birkenstock shoes, tie-die t-shirts, ripped jeans and glazed looks on their faces from getting high before class. Most of the group seem to not believe in razors. These students fit right into the Colorado counter-cultural environment.

It was interesting to observe a new freshman girl who arrived on campus looking very polished like she just graduated from a rich private school. Sometime during the semester, she would start a slow transformation in which she would swap out her preppy look for a look that may have been seen at Woodstock. She had gotten a boyfriend and was now hanging out with the pothead/granola crowd. It was a hoot when her father (who looked like a bank president that belonged to a country club) would come to pick her up at Christmas break. He looked almost disgraced by his daughter's appearance and was thinking to himself, "What I am going to tell the guys at the Country Club?"

By the time I was a senior, Kurt Cobain, along with his rock group, Nirvana, were really popular. Most the sophomores and incoming freshmen (regardless of what stereotypical category they normally fell into) were wearing grunge. This is ironic because that was the look that the "antisocial weirdos" had been wearing for years. 

Variety is the spice of life. Although there were different groups, I think most everyone got along and we didn't look down on one other. Thankfully Regis did not have fraternities or sororities, which I think brews animosity between students.  Even though Regis' student body lacked real diversity, it did provide me an opportunity to meet some great people who I am still friends with today.

Return next week as I do a "full body examination" of Sinclair's student body.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Community College is for losers (or so I once thought)

I must confess to you, my fellow classmates at Sinclair Community College, there was a time in my life when I thought that community college was for losers. This misconception was instilled by my all-girls college preparatory high school.

My teachers and advisers gave me the impression that to succeed in life one had to go to a four-year traditional college (preferably with a distinguished name.) I remember hearing teachers say, "If you get pregnant, you will end up at a community college." Or "don't flunk out of college or you will have to go to one of those community colleges." In my warped mind, community college was a step up from jail. 

Thankfully, my impression was altered when I took courses at a community college during the summer between my junior and senior year. I was pleasantly surprised to find that I was not in a classroom filled with hoodlums, unmarried mothers and college drop-outs, but rather ordinary college kids who were trying to get through college without the burden of student loans. After spending years paying off my student loans, I realized that the so-called "losers" at the community college were actually financial winners.

So when I started attending classes at Sinclair Community College last fall, I tried to have an open mind, pushing pass those old stereotypes that I had when I was in high school. I must confess that I was a little taken back by the amount of tattoos and body piercing that I saw.  It is not that I have lived in a cave or never been to King's Island, but for some reason I didn't expect to see so many "eccentric" people in one classroom. 

I was definitely feeling my age, because I had trouble relating to young students comparing their new tattoos before class. I am embarrassed to say that I was intimidated by these "odd" students with multiple tattoos covering their bodies. I decided that my game plan was to lay low, go to class and mind my own business. I was going to class to learn and not to make friends. 

That plan worked until I was to forced to interact due to a group project. In one of my groups, I am pretty sure that I was the only one without a tattoo. It was after we introduced ourselves and started working, that I realized that in spite of their body art, they were totally normal people. I became pretty good friends with two of my group members.  

It goes to show you CANNOT judge a person by their tattoo(s). Some very nice people have decided to go under the needle and get a tattoo. And a lot of them go to Sinclair. I am not volunteering to get a tattoo, but tattoos are no longer taboo in my book. 

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Back in the Olden Days (when I was in college).

A Floppy Disk from
Last fall, I was sitting in class when my professor said, "Most of you will not recognize this because it was used before you were born" and then he held up a floppy disk. Then I thought to myself, "wait a minute, I used those all the time in college." It was then I realized that most of my classmates were born when I was back at Regis.  In 23 years, the world of technology has dramatically changed since I was dropped off at college.  
My roommate and I were considered "cool" when we arrived at college in the fall of 1988 because we were the only ones on our floor to have computers. If my memory serves my right, she had a Commodore 64 and I had an Apple 2E. 
Apple 2e from
We had a good thing going that first semester, because people would pay us to use our computers to avoid the dorm's over-crowded computer lab. The second semester, most of "our computer clients" came back to school with their own brand-new computers that they got for Christmas. And some of those new computers actually had a new technology: spell-check (something our computers were lacking). We were so jealous. 
Thinking about my current experience at Sinclair, what I thought was so high-tech when I was at Regis was actually really primitive. When I had a research paper, there being no internet, I had to spend hours in the library looking up research in periodicals and reference books. Want to catch up with a high school friend in college? Well, without e-mail or facebook, the best option for a poor college student was to write an old-fashion letter and wait weeks for a response. Or I could call, but long distance was pretty expensive back then. And at least during my freshman year, the phone was attached to the wall, because that was before cordless phones were popular. (Cell phones and texting was inconceivable back then).
Me "Back in the Olden Days"
What is pretty scary is when my younger daughter realized that the i-pod was not around when I was in college, she asked, "Back in the olden days, when you were younger, how did you listen to music?" 
'Well, back on the prairie, Pa would play the fiddle." Seriously, I do remember listening to music on 8 track tapes and record players when I was in preschool, but since this is a piece about college, I digress. My "i-pod" was a cassette tape walk man. It had the ability to clip onto my pants but it was terribly awkward so it mostly remained on my desk (with ear phones attached) for my listening pleasure.  
Walkman from
Considering where I thought we would be in the year 2011 back when I was in college, a part of me is like wow, it is so cool to have the world at my finger tips. But another part of me, is like where is my George Jetson car? Well better go and help my daughter with her homework before they invent an app for that.